How do I Escape the Rat Race?
..and other Important Questions!
Benefits of Family Life on a Sailboat Adventure.
What are the advantages of escaping a traditional lifestyle and embracing a life on the open sea with my family?
A Suitable Sailboat for a Family Adventure.
What type of Sailboat is Suitable for my Family Adventure?
Financial Planning for Sailing the World.
How can I Financially Prepare for a Sailing Adventure with my Family?
Work Life Balance on a Family Sailboat.
How can I balance work and family life while sailing?
Sailing Destinations for World Travel.
How do I choose the best sailing destinations for family-friendly adventures?
Safety Precautions on a Family Sailboat.
What safety precautions should I take onboard when sailing with children?
Travelling Home Schooling Options.
What are some homeschooling options for sailing families while travelling?
Skills and Certifications for Sailing the World.
What skills, certifications and training do I need to confidently and safely navigate the open waters with my family.
Downsize and Prepare for Sailboat Life.
How can I downsize and prepare for a minimalist lifestyle on a sailboat?
Apps and Tools for Navigating and Sailing
What are the best apps and tools for navigation and communication while sailing?
Monohull or Catamaran for Sailing Adventure?
Should I choose a Monohull or Catamaran for our Family Sailing Adventure around the world?